Compensation protection trusts (P.I. Trusts)

If you have received compensation because of an injury then it is a good idea to think about setting up a trust which can help to increase the real value of your award.

Compensation protection trusts can do this by ensuring that you are able to keep your current and future means-tested benefits (e.g. Income Support, ESA or Housing Benefit) and statutory services (e.g. home helps, Direct Payments and Individual Budgets). They can also make sure that your compensation is protected from the cost of long-term care fees when you get older. This means that you can decide how much you need to spend from your trust and upon what.

Specialist advice

Our advice will cover whether a PI trust is right for your needs, setting up the trust and choosing trustees. We can also deal with the benefits aspect, contacting the appropriate government agencies to explain how your protected compensation should be disregarded on any means test.

We will agree a fixed fee for our work, and we’ll also be happy to provide you with new Wills and other protection for you and your family at a specially reduced rate.

For a free initial discussion, call 0161 871 3860 or email